Las 20 canciones para pasar el invierno en valpo
In the power we entrust the love advocated _ Dead can Dance
Mouse trap _ Ride
Blood on my hands _ The Sundays
Blind _ House of Love
Morningrise _ Slowdive
Pulling our weight_ Radio Dept
California Girls_ The Magnetic Fields
Feelin’_The La´s
Pitica _ Teleradio Donoso
Mansize rooster _ Supergrass
Weird fishes/arpeggi_ Radiohead
Animal nitrate _ Suede
Several girls galore_ My Bloody Valentine
The man who came to stay _ Babyshambles
Plastic sun _ Sonic youth
Black wave-bad vibrations _ Arcade Fire
La mística espiral _ Adrianigual
Doctora Corazón _ Los Aterciopelado
No Sleep _ Dinky + Jorge González
Dieta Verde _ Fantasna
El Planta _ Mambotur (bonus track)